Ushahidi uses Kohana's internationalization features.
Translations for the platform are managed in Transifex
Sources of Truth
To add new strings:
- Create a new translation string
- Add it to the i18n/en_US PHP arrays
- Commit this change to the Ushahidi-Localizations repository
The new string will be automatically picked up by cron runs and pushed to Transifex
Translation Process

Automatic processing:
Cron runs tools/ on every 6 hours
- Converts PHP arrays for en_US to POT files
- Commits POT files to github
- Uploads POT files to Transifex
- Downloads translated strings from Transifex into PO files
- Converts PO files to PHP arrays
- Commits PO files and PHP files to github
Related links
TranslationProcess.xml for