In the admin section of your Ushahidi installation, click on the settings link on the right hand side, then select the SMS tab. On that page, click on “Option 2: Use a Global SMS Gateway”.

*This is for OUTGOING messages only*

  1. Sign up for Clickatells service( Their Clickatell Central product ) by following the link on the page or click here
  2. Enter your Clickatell API number which you should get after signing up for Clickatells service.
  3. Enter your Clickatell Username. You should get it from Clickatell
  4. Enter your Clickatell Password. You should get it from Clickatell
  5. Click on Save Settings button to save the entries.


*If you want to use Clickatell to receive SMS messages, you need a 2-way number from Clickatell.*

Once you have your 2-way number, you need to make three changes to /application/controllers/frontlinesms.php and then register that as your callback URL in Clickatell.

- Change $_GET['s'] to $_GET['from'] - Change $_GET['m'] to $_GET['text'] - Add your Frontline key to the top of the script

You're set!