Follow the V3 install instructions, with these few changes: 


I'm assuming that you've cloned Lamu into folder c:\wamp\www\Lamu

Use localhost/phpmyadmin to create a database.  I've called mine lamutest.  Your database.php should look something like this: 

return array
'default' => array
'type' => 'MySQLi',
'connection' => array(
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'database' => 'lamutest',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'mypassword',
'persistent' => FALSE,
'table_prefix' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'caching' => TRUE,
'profiling' => TRUE,

Where 'database' is the database name that you chose; 'username' is the user that you set up in phpmyadmin (look at the 'users' tab: my user is root@ and 'password' is the password that you set up for that phpmyadmin user. 


Like with Ushahidi v2.x, your baseurl is going to be slightly different to everyone else's.  

In init.php, for Ushahidi v3 installed at c:\wamp\www\Lamu, it's

 'base_url'    => '/lamu/httpdocs',

In .htaccess, it's 

RewriteBase /lamu/httpdocs/


Minion won't work if you can't run php (you can test this by trying "php -v" in your terminal window).  To make this happen in wamp,  find your system path (on windows 7, that's control panel > system and security > system, then advanced system settings, (lhs list) and add a link to your php to it: for my Wamp install, that means adding the text ";C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13" to my path; you might want to look in C;\wamp\bin\php to see what the right address for you is (e.g. you might have a different version of php).

In your terminal window, go to your top-level directory (in this case, c:/wamp/www/Lamu) and run minion with this command: 

php minion --task=migrations:run --up

Go to http://localhost/lamu/httpdocs/

Smile: you've got your own copy of V3 working on Windows!