This page details major change since the previous release (2.5), effects these might have on your code and what you can do about those.

Switched WYSIWYG HTML editor to Redactor as previous editor had many issues

Sharon to add details

Use OAuth to grab twitter feeds

Linda to add details

Better XSS protection

 * Allowed HTML tags in report description and other large text fields
 * Formated is based on
$config['allowed_html'] = "a[href|title],p,img[src|alt],br,b,u,strong,em,i,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6";

 * Allowed iframe URLs in report description and other large text fields
 * Formated is based on
$config['safe_iframe_regexp'] = '%^http://(||';

Theming changes

Updating your theme:

If your main theme CSS file was name 'style.css' this will now be overriding the default style.css.
If you still need the default theme CSS to be included just rename your CSS file to something else.

The following CSS files will be included automatically: base.css, style.css, _default.css
To use a different CSS file name, add it to readme.txt in your theme.

CSS / JS compression issues

If you have problems with CSS / JS compression after the upgrade, you can disable this feature in application/config/requirements.php

Reworking reports upload and download

Review the github issue here:#792 .

For additional information, review the CSV upload guide and the XML Upload guide

New hooks and events


Full details of changes are available in the changelog