Ushahidi Community Call - March 19, 2012

March 19th is the next Community Developer chat. It will be at 18:00EAT, 15:00 UTC, 11:00 EDT, 08:00 PDT Monday, March 19, 2012.
We will answer questions, get feedback on the how Git is working, new wiki tour

Duration: 1 hour.

Attendees (names not recorded)

Recording: MP3 or MOV


Github Issues
Ushahidi 3.0 - Q3 wishlist

TOP TEN fixing:features and bug requests for Q3 (wishlist):

User Questions and feedback (non-technical)

How should we take feedback (non-technical)
What forums software might help?

Wiki Tour

Do the labels plus users and teams make sense? (The blog and docs ask that each member self-id their skills and join a team to help build or spread Ushahidi.)


NEXT CALL: The next community call will be April, 2012. To be determined. Calls will be alternate times by month based on timezones.

Recording: MP3 or MOV

Thank you. The recording will be live tomorrow. We will post to the wiki and dev chat. And, we’ll answer the outstanding questions.
