In this section, you will find a full listing of the available endpoints. To get more information about a particular endpoint, click on its name under the Resource header. You will be taken to a page that contains a detailed description of the endpoint, applicable query parameters, output formats and a sample request/response.


Everything about people on SwiftRiver.



POST accounts

Create an account.

GET accounts

Obtain account information.

GET accounts/:id

Returns information about the given account including name, rivers and buckets.

GET accounts/me

Get account information for the authenticated user.

POST accounts/activateActivates a newly created account
POST accounts/reset_passwordResets a user's password

PUT accounts/:id

Update the authenticated account

GET accounts/:id/following

Get list of users the account is following.

PUT accounts/:id/followers/:account_id

Add a follower to an account.

GET accounts/:id/followers

Get the list of users following the given account.

GET accounts/:id/activities

Get the given account's activity stream.

POST accounts/:id/apps

Register an API client application under the account.

GET accounts/:id/apps

Get a list of apps registered in the account.

PUT accounts/:id/apps/:app_id

Modify an existing client application.

DELETE accounts/:id/apps/:app_id

Delete a client application.


Information and management of rivers.



POST rivers

Create a river

GET rivers/:river_id

Returns a single river, specified by the id parameter

PUT rivers/:river_id

Edit a river

DELETE rivers/:river_id

Deletes the river specified by the id parameter

POST rivers/:id/channels

Add a channel to a river.

PUT rivers/:id/channels/:channel_id

Modify the eixsting channel specified by channel_id in the river

DELETE rivers/:id/channels/:channel_id

Deletes the channel with the specified channel_id from the river

POST rivers/:id/collaborators

Adds a collaborator to the river

GET rivers/:id/collaborators

Returns the list of users collaborating on the river specified by the id parameter

PUT rivers/:id/collaborators/:account_id

Modify the collaborator with the specified user_id in the river specified by the id parameter

DELETE rivers/:id/collaborators/:account_id

Removes the collaborator with the specified user_id from the list of collaborators for the river specified by the id parameter

PUT rivers/:id/followers/:account_id

Add a follower to a river.

GET rivers/:id/followers

Returns the list of users following the river specified by the id parameter

DELETE rivers/:id/followers/follower_id

Remove the specified follower.

GET rivers/:id/drops

Returns drops in the river specified by the id parameter

DELETE rivers/:id/drops/:drop_id

Deletes the drop with the specified drop_id from the river, specified by the id parameter

GET rivers/:id/trends/tags

Returns the trending tags in the river specified by the id parameter
GET rivers/:id/trends/placesReturns the trending places in the river specified by the id parameter

GET rivers/:id/rules

Gets the drop processing rules for the river specified by the id parameter

POST rivers/:id/rules

Adds a rule to the river specified by the id parameter

PUT rivers/:id/rules/:rule_id

Modifies the rule with the specified rule_id in the river specified by the id parameter

DELETE rivers/:id/rules/:rule_id

Deletes the rule with the specified rule_id from the list of rules for the river specified by the id parameter


Information and management of buckets



POST buckets

Creates a new bucket

GET buckets/:id

Returns a single bucket, specified by the id parameter

PUT buckets/:id

Edit a bucket

DELETE buckets/:id

Deletes the bucket specified by the id parameter

POST buckets/:id/collaborators

Adds a collaborator to the bucket specified by the id parameter

GET buckets/:id/collaborators

Returns the list of users collaborating on the bucket specified by the id parameter

PUT buckets/:id/collaborators/:account_id

Modifies an existing collaborator on the specified bucket.

DELETE buckets/:id/collaborators/:account_id

Removes the collaborator specified by the account_id parameter from the list of collaborators for the bucket specified by the id parameter

PUT buckets/:id/followers/:account_id

Adds the follower specified by the account_id parameter to the bucket specified by the id parameter

GET buckets/:id/followers

Returns the list of users following the bucket specified by the id parameter

DELETE buckets/:id/followers/:account_id

Remove the specified follower.

GET buckets/:id/drops

Returns drops in the bucket specified by the id parameter

PUT buckets/:id/drops/:drop_id

Adds the drop specified in drop_id to the bucket specified by the id parameter

DELETE buckets/:id/drops/:drop_id

Deletes the drop with the specified drop_id from the bucket specified by the id parameter


Endpoints for creating new drops or common endpoints for managing drops in rivers / buckets.



POST drops

Create a drop

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/comments

Add a comment to a drop.

GET (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/comments

Retrieve comments in a drop.

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/comments/:comment_id

Delete a drop comment.

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/links

Add a link to the specified drop

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/links/:link_id

Delete the specified link from the drop

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/media

Add media to the specified drop

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/media/:media_id

Delete the specified media from the drop

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/tags

Add a tag to the specified drop

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/tags/:tag_id

Delete the specified tag from the drop

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/places

Add a place to the specified drop

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/places/:place_id

Delete the specified place from the drop

POST (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/forms

Add custom fields to a drop.

PUT (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/forms/:form_id

Modify custom fields in a drop.

DELETE (rivers or buckets)/:id/drops/:drop_id/forms/:form_id

Remove custom fields from a drop.

PUT (rivers or buckets/:id/drops/read/:drop_id

Mark a drop as read


Management of custom drop fields.



POST forms

Creates a new form.

GET forms/:id

Returns a single form, specified by the id parameter.

PUT forms/:id

Modify the specified form.

DELETE forms/:id

Delete the given form.

POST forms/:id/fields

Adds a field to the given form.

GET forms/:id/fields/:field_id

Retrieve a specific field in a form.

PUT forms/:id/fields/:field_id

Modify the given field.

DELETE forms/:id/fields/:field_id

Remove a field from a form.


Search for drops, accounts, buckets and rivers



GET search/drops

Returns a collection of drops matching a specified query

GET search/buckets

Find buckets by the specified keyword

GET search/rivers

Find rivers by the specified keyword

 GET search/accounts

Find accounts by the specified keyword