Wielding An Ushahidi-Shaped Hammer

(courtesy of George Chamales)

If someone sets up an Ushahidi Deployment on the Internet and no one’s around - does anyone care?

Start with the Questionnaire

Hitting the Sweet Spot for a Deployment

Changing instances mid-way is hard and annoying

Have your verifiers and team outside of the disaster area!

Faisal  (pakreport.org)- “one TV can start advertising us. got a few connections. but we need to setup logistics before that. power breakdowns are big problem for us right now

Measuring the success of your deployment by the number of reports you’ve collected is dangerous.  Sure it’s tempting and by far the easiest way to do it, but it’s not the size of your reports, it’s how you use them.

Stuff you must do

Category Updating

Who are you serving?

Who are you communicating with?

Open Questions
Community Building

Clickatell Setup

Three Models