This guide applies on the following platforms:


The SwiftRiver install process is: 

Install the required packages

The following software packages must be installed on your system:

Install the API

Create the Database

Create a new database called  swiftriver

CREATE DATABASE swiftriver CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;


Create a database user called swiftriver and grant them all the privileges on the swiftriver database.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON swiftriver.* TO swiftriver@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'swiftriver';


Create the database tables by running the schema setup script - install/schema.sql

mysql swiftriver -u swiftriver -p < install/schema.sql


Configure Solr

Copy solr/solr.xml (from the API distribution) to your SOLR_HOME. The default solr.xml file looks like this:

<solr persistent="true">
  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" defaultCoreName="swiftriver" host="${host:}" hostPort="${jetty.port:}">
    <core name="swiftriver" instanceDir="swiftriver" dataDir="data"/>


Create a directory for the swiftriver core in SOLR_HOME

mkdir <SOLR_HOME>/swiftriver


Copy the existing conf directory to the core director we have created above

cp -rf <SOLR_HOME>/conf <SOLR_HOME>/swiftriver


Copy solr/schema.xml and solr/solrconfig.xml to the conf directory of the swiftriver core:

cp solr/schema.xml <SOLR_HOME>/swiftriver/conf
cp solr/solrconfig.xml <SOLR_HOME>/swiftriver/conf



Configure Background Processes


Start your servlet container