The V3 roadmap now lives in Phabricator.  If you think a feature is missing from it, please add it to Phabricator.

We're also in the middle of migrating feature lists from a whole bunch of places to the Phabricator lists. The places we're looking at are: 

All done up to end of July 2014 - need to check every so often for new feature requests.
  • V2 designs - making sure the things that need to transfer across get on the list
Angie/Anarghya are writing the V2 feature lists for checking.
  • V3 UX designs - rechecking that everything needed got in
not started yet
not started yet
not started yet
  • Email from NotGeorge 2014-06-20
not started yet
  • UN's list of their custom modifications to V2 (in email)
not started yet
  • Fundacion Paraguaya features - adding features from our first test case
not started yet
  • V3 Toolkit Documents
not started yet
  • V3 Communications documents
not started yet
not started yet


If you know of any other places we need to check for features, please tell us!