Plugin Actions


Actions are events (or hooks) to which callback functions can be attached.

In the example below, the event is report_add, and the email_subscribers callback is attached to this particular event. Whenever this event is encountered, all the associated plugins that are attached to this event will be executed.


// Email subscribers whenever a new report is created
Event::add('ushahidi_action.report_add', 'email_subscribers');



|| Action || Parameter \\ || Description \\ || File \\ ||
| report_delete | $incident_id \\ | Report deleted \\ | application/controllers/admin/reports.php \\ |
| report_meta | $incident_id | Add items to the Report Meta | application/themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_form_admin | $id | Runs just after the report description \\ | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| main_sidebar | | Add Items to the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| main_sidebar_pre_filters | | Add items before the filters on the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| main_sidebar_post_filters | | Add items after the filters on the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| map_main_filters | | Add items to the main filters \\ | themes/default/views/main.php; themes/polaroid/views/main.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/main.php; themes/unicorn/views/main.php |
| report_form_admin_after_time | $id \\ | Runs just after the report time | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_form_admin_location | $id | Runs just after the report location | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_form_admin_after_video_link | $id | Runs just after the report video link \\ | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_pre_form_admin | $id \\ | Runs right before report form is rendered | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| config_routes | $config | | application/config/routes.php |
| config_upload | $config \\ | | application/config/upload.php |
| category_save | $post | Runs just after a category is saved | application/controllers/admin/manage.php |
| page_submit | $post \\ | | application/controllers/admin/manage.php \\ |
| page_edit | $page \\ | | application/controllers/admin/manage.php |
| report_approve | $update | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_unapprove | $update | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| location_from | $message_from | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_submit_admin | $post | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_edit | $incident | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_edit\\ | $incident | Run after a incident is edited or created | application/controllers/members/reports.php |
| site_settings_modified | | | application/controllers/admin/settings.php |
| map_settings_modified | | | application/controllers/admin/settings.php |
| users_add_admin | $post \\ | | application/controllers/admin/users.php |
| user_edit | $user \\ | | application/controllers/admin/users.php |
| user_login | $user \\ | | application/controllers/login.php |
| users_add_login_form | $post | The post object when a user is signing up on the login page | application/controllers/login.php |
| user_edit | $user | The user object when a user is singing up on the login page | application/controllers/login.php |
| report_add | $incident | | application/controllers/reports.php |
| report_submit | $post | | application/controllers/reports.php \\ |
| comment_add | $comment | | application/controllers/reports.php \\ |
| message_email_add | $email | | application/controllers/scheduler/s_email.php |
| message_twitter_add | $message | | application/controllers/scheduler/s_twitter.php |
| nav_admin_main_top | $tabs | | application/helper/admin.php \\ |
| nav_members_main_top | $tabs | an array of tabs that will show up on the main navigation menu | application/helpers/members.php |
| nav_admin_reports | $this_sub_page | | application/helper/admin.php |
| nav_admin_messages | $service_id | | application/helper/admin.php |
| nav_admin_settings | $this_sub_page | | application/helper/admin.php |
| sub_nav_admin_settings_sms | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_admin_manage | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_admin_users | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_members_reports | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php \\ |
| nav_members_private | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php |
| nav_members_alerts | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php |
| nav_main_top | $this_page | | application/helpers/nav.php |
| message_sms_add | $sms | SMS Recieved \\ | application/helpers/sms.php \\ |
| post_nav_submit | | Add items after the submit button \\ | application/libraries/Themes.php \\ |
| checkin_recorded \\ | $checkin | Hook on successful checkin | application/libraries/api/MY_Checkin_Api_Object.php |
| report_submit_api | $post \\ | | application/libraries/api/MY_Report_Api_Object.php |
| report_edit_api | $incident \\ | | application/libraries/api/MY_Report_Api_Object.php |
| user_submit_admin | $post \\ | Additional validation checks \\ | application/models/user.php |
| admin_checkins_custom_layout | | | application/views/admin/checkins.php \\ |
| checkin_extra_admin | $checkin_id | | application/views/admin/checkins.php |
| header_scripts_admin | | | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_header_top_left | | Admin Header Menu | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_secondary_header_bar | | Admin Secondary Menu | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_messages_custom_layout | | | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| message_extra_admin | $message_id | Message additional/extra stuff | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| message_from_admin | $message_from | Message additional/extra stuff | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| page_form_admin | | Runs just after the page description | application/views/admin/pages.php |
| report_extra_admin \\ | $incident | Add items to the report list in admin | application/views/admin/reports.php |
| users_listing_header | | Add header item to users listing page | application/views/admin/users.php |
| users_listing_item | $user_id | Add item to users listing page | application/views/admin/users.php |
| users_form_admin | $id | Add content to users form | application/views/admin/users_edit.php |
| feed_atom_head | | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_atom.php |
| feed_atom_item | $item\['id'\] | Add to the feed item | application/views/feed_atom.php |
| feed_rss_head | | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_rss2.php |
| feed_rss_item | $item\['id'\] | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_rss2.php |
| header_scripts_member | | Additional inline scripts | application/views/members/layout.php |
| report_extra_members \\ | $incident | Add items to the report list in admin | application/views/members/reports.php |
| report_pre_form_messages | $id | Runs right before report form is rendered | application/views/members/reports_edit.php |
| nav_main_bottom | | Add items to the bottom links | themes/bueno/views/footer.php; themes/default/views/footer.php; themes/polaroid/views/footer.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/footer.php; themes/unicorn/views/footer.php |
| main_footer | | Add items before the </body> tag | themes/bueno/views/footer.php; themes/ci_cumulus/views/footer.php; themes/default/views/footer.php; themes/polaroid/views/footer.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/footer.php; themes/unicorn/views/footer.php |
| header_scripts | | Additional inline scripts | themes/bueno/views/header.php; themes/ci_cumulus/views/header.php; themes/default/views/header.php; themes/polaroid/views/header.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/header.php; themes/unicorn/views/header.php |
| page_extra | $page_id \\ | | themes/default/views/page.php |
| report_filters_ui | | Add custom filters \\ | themes/default/views/reports.php |
| comment_form | | Runs right before the end of the comment submit form | themes/default/views/reports_comments_form.php |
| report_form | | Runs right after the report categories | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_optional | | Runs in the optional information of the report form | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_location | $id | | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_after_video_link | | Runs after video link on front end \\ | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_meta_after_time | $incident_id \\ | | themes/default/views/reports_view.php; themes/polaroid/views/reports_view.php |
| report_meta | $incident_id | Add items to the report meta (Location/Date/Time etc.) | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_display_media | $incident_id | Add content just above media section | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_extra | $incident_id | Allows you to target an individual report right after the description | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| login_new_user_form | | Runs when rendering the sign up form on the login page. &nbsp;Use this to add new fields for new users to fill out. | themes/default/views/login/main.php |
| header_nav_bar | | Allows you to insert content into the header nav stripe \\ | application/views/header_nav.php \\ |
| profile_add_admin \\ | $post | When a user modifies their profile this action will notify any&nbsp;relevant&nbsp;plugins and provide the HTTP POST object | application/controllers/admin/profile.php |
| profile_edit \\ | $user | When a user modifies their profile this action will notify any&nbsp;relevant&nbsp;plugins and provide the ORM user object \\ | application/controllers/admin/profile.php \\ |
| profile_post_member | $post | Returns the post object when members update their profile | application/controllers/members/profile.php |
| profile_edit_member | $user | Returns the user object when members update their profile | application/controllers/members/profile.php |