Ushahidi Weekly Update (#18)

We are a growing community. This weekly report is for the whole community and team to share what you are working on and what you need help with. Highlight your presentations, events, code and more. These reports will go out mid-week
Date: August 8 - 14, 2012

Community and Deployers:

About: What are you working on? What do you need help with?

Deployment of the Week: Open For Business. See all the Deployments of the Week

Election monitoring mapping is one of the main Ushahidi use cases. We participated in an election hackathon a few months ago. Dan Stanley created this Storify highlighting the event.

EcoCity Builders released their Rio +20 Report

Elections seems to be a big theme this week. Our friends at Rock the Post have an offer if you use their services. Projects that are referred to Rock The Post by your company will receive a discounted fee for our services. That is, for the first three months of the partnership, project creators will receive 50% off of our fee. After the initial three months, project creators will receive 20% off of our fee. • Your company will be listed as a resource on Rock The Post’s Partners page and your company’s services will be promoted throughout their community.

Researching Ushahidi
Autumn academic programs start soon. If you are interested in researching Ushahidi and our deployers, join our Contact Us and tell us about your ideas/needs. If you have ideas that you think need more research, add them to our Research Community page on the wiki. We are contacted frequently by MA students and others asking for topic ideas or guidance. We’d love a hand supporting them. You can simply edit the wiki page or ping hleson at ushahidi dot com to get started.

Tech President included Ushahidi in their living Technology and Politics Timeline (thanks!). Many deployers have used technology for elections, including Ushahidi. If you have an example to share, add your concept to the Tech President form.


About: What code are your working on? What needs help?

The next Ushahidi community call is Monday, August 20th: Developer Community Meetings

Ushahidi developer help:

Yo Philly Votes is seeking developer support in the Philly area or EST timezone. They have some big community engagement projects coming up and need support. To help, please contact Faye Anderson andersonatlarge AT gmail Dot com. You can see their progress on Twitter @215votes and Facebook.

Global Animal Welfare seeks developer help for a GAIA map project Zimbabwe. They focus on special environmental protection projects. To learn more, please contact Brad Anthony – ceo AT globalanimalwelfare Dot org.