Kenya is holding elections on March 4, 2013. We will use Ushahidi software for the Uchaguzi project. The goals are to: share the information from the crowd, verify details and respond. We give voice and amplify issues by describing and mapping reports. Uchaguzi, is a joint initiative between Ushahidi, Constitution & Reform Education Consortium (CRECO) and Hivos Foundation with support from Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). We are collaborating with our local Kenyan-based and global community.
More details in Uchaguzi Background.
The public will be able to send information to Uchaguzi numerous ways:
Reports should include:
Reports should not include:
Example: (town name, intersection and Name of polling station), Ineligible Voters allowed to vote, More details)
See: Uchaguzi - Anatomy of a Report
All reports are reviewed for accuracy and action. Teams of trained volunteers will work with our partners to verify and amplify reports. Our criteria is to give an accurate and citizen-driven picture of what is happening during the Kenyan Elections. Teams will also work with partners to action urgent and critical items. To learn more about the types of information Uchaguzi is collecting, see Uchaguzi Categories. Also, please note our Uchaguzi Code of Conduct. We are committed to respecting privacy and security of those who report.
There are a few ways to get involved:
You can put on github or on lopad. The tech team monitors both: