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This page is to provide you with some tips to think about when seeking funding for your map project. Please edit freely with your ideas. If you are on the run, you can Download the c_Ushahidi-Funding-Guide.pdf  (Note this page content was transferred from the retired Ushahidi community site.)

Steps to Funding Success

Define your project

Answer some of these questions to help you define your plans. Also see the Ushahidi Toolkits pages and 10 Questions You Should Ask for more details on project management.

  • What problem are you trying to address? What is your Map Mandate?
  • How does the proposal address the problem?
  • What are the goals and objectives of the program?
  • Who is the audience? Who will benefit?
  • What is the budget?
  • What is the timelines for the project?
  • Can you partner with others for non-financial support?
  • How will the project be sustainable, if it's longer than a one-off event?
  • Is there a geographic focus? (funders generally prefer to fund based on a specific location)
  • What are the expected outcomes and how will you measure them?

The Funding Process

General advice as you go seek out funding

  • Make sure you are eligible. Most funding organizations only fund already existing non-profit organizations but an alternative may be to seek funding via a fiscal agent like Tides Foundation. A fiscal agent is an organization that receives and monitors grant funding. There is often a fee charged for these services.
  • Don't be afraid to ask the funding organizations about the process.
  • If you don't get funding, consider asking for feedback and refining your project accordingly.

Funding Uses

Examples of how you might use your funding:

  • Funding an SMS shortcode number to allow people to send free SMS
  • Funding an SMS alert campaign
  • Funding a web designer to customize your Ushahidi deployment
  • Funding a PR campaign: Newspapaer ads, online ads, to raise awareness about your Ushahidi instance.
  • Funding a data entry resource if you are migrating existing data into the Ushahidi platform

Funding Resources

A collection of guides and articles that are relevant to the funding process:





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