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This document describes how to build the SMSSync app from source. You will have to have eclipse running with Java 1.6 compiler set as the default compiler. At the time of writing this document, Android requires Java 1.6( Not Java 1.7) to compile and run your Android applications.

You will have to have Git, Eclipse and Android setup to run on your machine. How to setup Git, Eclipse and Android is beyond this document. You will also have to have Android API 7 or above setup.

1. Clone source from github

Clone the source from github. There are different branches in the git repository. The Branch structure section in the README file explains the different branches that are there.

On the command line, issue the command below to clone the repository.

2. Setup Abslib project

SMSSync depends on the abslib library project. This provides action bar functionality for pre-honeycomb devices.

In eclipse,

  • Import abs project into your workspace.

Now build and run SMSSync.