The information in this wiki hasn't been maintained for a good while. Some of the projects described have since been deprecated.

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This is a list of plugins ported over from the retired community website.

Plugin titleDescriptionVersionCompatible up to
AdSenseAdsense is a free plugin and open source software that automatically insert Google Adsense ads into Ushahidi frontend pages.22.5
RGraph TreeThis plugin utilizes the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit to produce an animated tree graph of reports on your homepage.0.12
HeatmapGenerate a Heatmap from Active Reports0.82.5
Ushahidi API LibraryThis plugin creates a new library that is used to interact with the API of other Ushahidi sites. The helper handles all of the parsing and creating of API requests. This Library is not the API itself. It just makes using the API easier. This is made for Ushahidi sites that need to interact with other Ushahidi sites in a programatic way. This supports the Report, Incidents, Categories, and API Key tasks. !!!! REQUIRES PHP 5.3 !!!!!12
TinyMCEAdds the Tiny MCE editor to the Report Description text area0.22.1
NexmoSend and receive messages using Nexmo0.22.1
Link ReportsLets you setup links between two different reports12.1
KML on by defaultLets you set any KML layers to be displayed by default on the homepage ushahidi map. If you want a KML layer to come on by default you can use this plugin to do that.12.1
Hide TimeGives users the ability to hide time for reports that may not have occured at a finite moment0.52.1
End TimeCreates a field that asks for the end time of an event. For events that aren't instantanious.12.1
Do FormsDo Forms is a plugin for the Ushahidi platform to allow Ushahidi to pull in data from Do Forms mobile data collection service: http://www.doforms.com12.0.1
Density MapShow the density of categories over a geographical area.12.1
Print ReportAdds print CSS to reports pages and reports listings. Originally built to work with the Unicorn theme as used here:
Open GeoSMSSharing reports with Open GeoSMS and automatically parsing Open GeoSMS(which is geo-tagged SMS) into reports. After Ushahidi plateform receiving reports with Open GeoSMS which is submit by user from their Android phone with Ushahidi app, this plugin will parse it into a report automatically. It similar to SMS Automate plugin, but the biggest difference is Open GeoSMS standard already define its own format.1.22.6
Public reports downloadAllows all users to download reports by category in CSV/KML. It adds the link Download Reports" in the home page top bar, allowing all users to download reports by category in CSV/KML. Based on the original csv download plugin by George Chamales0.22.2
Forward ReportAllows Administrator to forward report by email. It sends an email with the link to the report and some messages you would like to add. It also create a record for each email sent.12.1
Incident StatusAllows to track the status of each report (waiting, taken on, resolved) and shows history to users.0.12.1
Location Highlighter - LiteWhen users are adding new reports to the map they may struggle to find landmarks or administrative boundaries that make it easier for them to contextualize what they're looking at and figure out where they need to put the marker. This plugin will highlight an area that you have defined by KML file. Looking for more? Check Location Highlighter" plugin of John Etherton. "12.1
Ztyle Admin StylerAdds an overriding CSS stylesheet to the admin pages by injecting a style sheet link into the page headers, at the bottom, so the plugin can properly override all other styles. Ushahidi plugins are installed alphabetically, so this plugin's name starts with a Z. The plugin comes with some default styles to enhance the look of admin pages, but you will probably want to create your own. You can also add styling to admin plugins; see the latter parts of the css file.12
Facebook Page TabThis plugin creates a simple map representation of the deployment that can fit in the Facebook page tab requirements. You'll need to create a Facebook App for this tab as described in the README. Please note, that as of 1. October facebook will require all tabs to have a secure URL as well (https). Therefore, you'll need to obtain an ssl certificate from your hosting provider.0.12.1
SMS AnonymizerAnonymize SMS Reporters0.12.5
Simple GroupsThis plugin is built to allow seperate groups of users have access to their own report data, but not to the data of another group. This functionality was built for the Liberian 2011 general elections as multiple organizations, with their own metrics for validation, would be monitoring the electoral process, but using one ushahidi instance. This plugin is designed to give just the bare minimium of functionalty to users so that they can add/edit their own reports and manage incoming SMSs that are from whitelisted numbers that belong to their group. This plugin requires: Admin Map Plugin: Ushahidi API Library Plugin: PHP 5.322.1
Location HighlightWhen users are adding reports this allows for admin uploaded KML files to highligh areas if traditional mapping services don't demarcate the areas you care about. This is made for Liberia where no mapping service has the county or district boundaries.1.12.1
GrowlAllows you to push notifications to Growl via Ushahidi.0.12
GPXerImport GPS Coordinates into the Ushahidi platform.
Find LocationLets you bound your results by region, and add text to the end of a search (like "mexico" so it'll always search something). Also uses both Google and GeoNames to find places. "12.1
Category CloudGenerates a tag cloud for the categories showing which categories have the most incidents.0.22.2
Auto LocateGuesses where the given message might be from by reading the text of the message and comparing that to a list of cities and districts provided by the user. STILL VERY MUCH IN DEVELOPMENT!00
Analysis / Assessment Matrix ToolIntroduction In view of the increasing need to qualify and verify crowdsourced information, the ICT4Peace Foundation helped the development of the Matrix plugin for the Ushahidi platform. This plugin essentially requires pre-trained reporters in the field tagging reports with the following for reports they enter into the system: Source Reliability Information Probability When the reports are filtered into the back-end, administrators via the analysis plugin would then see the attached matrix on tagged reports, which helps with making analyses', finding related reports and/or possibly creating new reports to shield the actors involved in some of these reports. The Matrix plugin can also complement technologies such as SwiftRiver by Ushahidi, providing a more nuanced view of ground reports that can feed into more timely decision-making, plus providing a more robust foundation for accountability. Details ICT4Peace page with more information [[]].0.42.2
Enhanced MapEnhanced Map brings the following additiona functionality to your deployment: Lets you see all reports (approved and unapproved) on a map on the backend of the website. Lets you print maps, using CSS black magic, and if you're using a map layer that allows you to manipulate the tiles on the server, you can print via the server. you can access this via /printmap. It's still under development, so please give feed back and keep checking in Lets you embedd your map. It'll create a text box on the home page that has the embedd HTML. There is also a high performance branch, with reduced functionality, available here:
YouTube EmbedThis plugin allows you to convert any Youtube links in your report description to embedded code i.e. watch the YouTube video on the same page.0.32.3
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinatesAllows users to map UTM coordinates and convert them to lat, lon and the reverse, to allow lat, lon coordinates from the map to be converted to UTM.12.1
Time SpanAllows the user to select what time span is shown by default on the time line. The admin can select to show. The last N days on the time line From date N to date M on the time line All of the reports in the database The most active month (Ushahidi default) Also lets the admin set if the intervals on time line should be segmented by month or day. This plugin needs the following filters to be defined. ushahidi_filter.active_startDate ushahidi_filter.active_endDate ushahidi_filter.active_month1.12.0b10
SMS AutomateAutomatically turns SMS messages into reports. Looks for a code word and uses an optional white list to ensure that SMSs are coming from trusted sources. Uses a user specified delimiter to parse out latitude, longitude, title, location description, and event description. Also accepts a comma separated list category ID numbers to associate the report generated from the SMS with categories. This plugin needs the following filters to be defined. ushahidi_filter.sms_new1.12
TimeMapCreate Timemaps (Combination of Map Slider and Map)0.82.5
Mobile EditionVisitors browsing your site on a mobile device will see a version of your site optimized for mobile web browsers.12.2
KMLCreate a KML feed for your ushahidi deployment, accessible at:
Generate DataThis plugin generates reports at random lat,lon coordinates. You get to pick the number of reports it generates. Download it here:
Full Screen MapAdds a button to the front end that allows you to blow the Map up to the size of the browser.0.62.5
FlickrwijitAllows you to view flickr photos based on tags or photoset.12
File UploadAdds the ability to upload any file to the site and associate it with a report or a page. Note that for this plugin to be fully functional it requires events that aren't currently part of the core Ushahidi functionality. I have all the needed events added in my branch of Ushahidi located here: Check the hooks/fileupload.php file to see what events are used.12.1
Facebook SocialAllow users to comment on reports via Facebook.0.62.5
Dashboard RSS FeedI built this for our deployments in Liberia so that users of a website could see on the dashboard what other Ushahidi users in Liberia were saying. We hope this will encourage more social Ushahidi use, as one party will see that another party has reported an incident, and thus they'll want to post the incidents that they are aware of I had to create a event in views/admin/dashboard.php. This is the event that the plugin hooks into to render its content.00
CloudMade MapsCloudMade sources mapping data from the OpenStreetMap project and allows you to make them look like gold!0.32.5
ActionableThis plugin allows you to tag reports in Ushahidi as 'Actionable'. If a report is tagged as actionable the tag YES appears in the RSS feed. This way any person accessing this feed will know whether or not to act on the specified report. Finally, if the report has been acted upon, you can add the 'actor' example: The Red Cross Delivered Water. This is also displayed on the report itself on the front-end.0.6


EmbbedMapThis plugin allows you to embbed maps into other websites (ej. using iframe). To embed a map, just use your_ushahidi_url/mapembed . This plugin was based on this discussion in Ushahidi Forums.0.12.7
DataVizAdd D3 visualizations to ushahidi platform V20.12.7
MessageAPIPlugin to add message, reporter and services APIs to ushahidi platform V20.12.7
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