The information in this wiki hasn't been maintained for a good while. Some of the projects described have since been deprecated.

In particular, the "Ushahidi Platform v3.x" section contains information that is often misleading. Many details about this version of Platform have changed since.

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In this section, we describe how to code finds its way to the master branch.

Contribution Workflow

For SwiftRiver development, we use GitHub flow which can be summarized as follows:

  • Before you begin, fork the code to your GitHub account. Thereafter, clone the repository on your development machine.

    To clone the code:
    where <github-account-name> is your GitHub username
  • Anything on the master branch is production ready hence deployable
  • To work on something new (bug fix, feature implementations etc), create a descriptive branch off of master. This can be done as follows:
    where <branch-name> is the name of your branch. For more information about branching in Git, click here
  • Commit your changes locally and regularly push your work to the same branch on the server
  • When you need help or feedback, or you think your branch is ready for merging, open a pull request
  • After someone else has reviewed your work and given it a nod, you may go ahead and merge (your branch) into master