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-Aggregating reports by area, neighbourhood, region, use a geographic base layer, perhaps adding a heat map

-Simple bar charts would be effective

-For health research tracking the outbreak of a disease, knowing the frequency of reports and being able to export visualisations to PDF (to show decision-makers) would be useful. 

-Having a time slider to control the timeframe of the visualisations would be useful (although wouldn’t work on mobile)

-On the map, making the cluster marker into a pie chart (or maybe making it show a pie chart on hover) detailing the categories of reports in that cluster (e.g.

-Being able to know the severity level of different reports would be useful, either by marking each category with a severity level, or having unique categories for severity

-The ability to build your own visualisation report (e.g. “I want a bar chart showing X, and 2 pie charts showing X and Y”) would be a good way to let people have custom dashboards for their deployment. They could save the settings for their visualisation report and reload it when necessary, or switch to a different saved visualisation report.

-D3 could be used, also HighCharts. HighCharts has a tricky licence for for-profit companies, so would need to consider legs implications (will for-profit companies use V3, how does the licence work in this case)

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