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Ushahidi and FrontlineSMS function well together with version 1 of FrontlineSMS.  The goal of this event is to develop code to connect Ushahidi and FrontlineSMS Version 2.

Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 in Nairobi

The hack day plan:

  • Get the Web Connection feature in FrontlineSMS 2.0 to push incoming SMSs to an Ushahidi deployment/Crowdmap
  • For contacts in FrontlineSMS that have location information, append this to the SMS before its pushed to Ushahidi
  • Using FrontlineSMS for sending out alerts; two-way communication for SMS (incoming and outgoing)

Who should attend:
Software developers
Ushahidi and FrontlineSMS community users to test



All documentation is stored is on this wiki page: How to Set-up FrontlineSMS and Ushahidi

Code is stored: github link to be added

  1. Event Summary:

    We made some headway on linking the code during this first hack day. There's a feature known as "Web Connection" that allows  FrontlineSMS users to push SMS to any web service.  FrontlineSMS-Ushahidi integration would simply ride on this feature. Documentation and code are pending.

    What is next:

    FrontlineSMS to build incoming http connections triggering outgoing SMS, to add FrontlineSMS to Ush's SMS alerts out capability