The information in this wiki hasn't been maintained for a good while. Some of the projects described have since been deprecated.

In particular, the "Ushahidi Platform v3.x" section contains information that is often misleading. Many details about this version of Platform have changed since.

This website is an extraction of the original Ushahidi wiki into a static form. Because of that, functions like logging in, commenting or searching will not work.

For more documentation, please refer to

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Main flow

From the main view -> submit -> report edited -> send

On send the app: 1) saves the data in the storage 2) tries to POST the report 3) brings the user back to the main view.

The status class controls the status of the POST: in progress, success and failed.

Based on the status the main view will be updated. On success a refresh of the listing is called.


The most complex part, due to lack of standards/implemented standards. (see

The storage is based on persistence.js with a fallback on local storage for browsers not supporting WebSQL. The fallback is based on persistence in-memory:

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