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Adding Languages

Localizations can be found here:

To add a language, copy the language folder you need in your application/i18n directory (NOT the system/i18n directory). Ushahidi will automatically pick up the new language and include it in the language switcher drop down and admin language settings options. If it doesn’t show up right away, go into your application/cache directory and delete the files there.

Then you can go to http://Your_Ushahidi_site/index.php/reports?l=hy_AM for example if you installed Armenian language.

The default language can be selected on the site settings page (/admin/settings/site)

(Based on info from the forums)

Best practices for developers and themers adding text to the platform:

We've documented a list of tips for developers and themers adding text to the platform here

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  1. Not sure this is quite the right home for this yet.. there are 2 parts to this..

    1. Adding localizations to your deployment (which could live in installation guide)

    2. Creating localizations .. which should probably live in developer or administrator guide?

  2. I'm not sure I understand what to do to get my site to display with an extra language .. I copy ushahidi-Ushahidi-Localizations-***/ar  to  /home/public/system/i18n/ ??  ar/ for arabic in my case.

    On  I see a message Move ar_EG to ar (since transifex only supports ar or ar_SA) .. Still not getting Arabic localization .

    1. HI Naim,

      Welcome to the wiki

      This type of question is best asked on the Forums, skype or IRC : Contact Us.

      Or, if you identify it as a bug, you can file an issue on Github for localizations.


      1. I'm glad to be here!

        Yes true, this is not a forum. But part of my comment, I was trying to say that the the documentation above is not clear enough. I'll take my business to the forum, thank you.

        1. I agree on the documentation. Can you help make it more clear? [There are a few posts on the forums on this topic. |[]=topic&post_type[]=reply&s=multi+language]

          I agree it is a hard one.


          1. Ok, i'll write what I know so far, and what's missing.

            What I still didn't figure out:

            • How to add another entry in the drop down language menu? 
            • Will Ushahidi serve the page in the target language like other multilingual sites?
            1. Hopefully my edits answer that first question.. languages are automatically added to the drop down language menu.

              I'm not sure what you mean with the 2nd question. Where would target language come from?

              1. Browsers send http request with language preference, this way server knows what flavor to serve, if the site is available in more than one language.

                I'm not sure how exactly this is programmed. Found this >>