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Welcome to the Geo-Location Team!

This team will be responsible for finding the grid coordinates for a given report and will plot that location on the report map before being approved for public viewing.

Why is Geo-Location Team Important?

The Geo-Location team uses different tools and platforms to find the grid coordinates of points or areas of interest. The geo-location team will also collect and keep track of all available maps of the area where the emergency is taking place.

Note: There will be times with URGENT and CRITICAL items that geo-located reports might not be recommended. Check with your Geolocation coleads and the Emergency Desk. Review the Uchaguzi Privacy and Security Guidelines

According to the specific work flow designed for each emergency, the Geo-Location team will:

  • Find grid coordinates of reports created by the Media Team
  • Find grid coordinates of SMS identified by the SMS Team
  • Find grid coordinates for other info requested by the Humanitarian Team (IDP camps, identification of specific villages, or infrastructure, medical camps, etc.)
  • Keep an up-to-date Google Doc of all grid coordinates found by location

The Geo-Location Team will ideally be proficient in or familiar with at least some of Open StreetMap, Google Earth, ArcGIS, QuantumGIS, Wikimapia, creation of KML files and map databases.

Learn More:

Uchaguzi Geolocation Overview

Uchaguzi Geolocation Step by Step