- Ushahidi 3.x API Config Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Form Attributes Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Forms Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Media Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Messages Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Posts Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Sets Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Tags Resource
- Ushahidi 3.x API Users Resource
General Patterns
- Create record: POST /collection
- Get all records: GET /collection
- Get record: GET /collection/[id]
- Update record: PUT /collection/[id]
- Delete record: DELETE /collection/[id]
- Search records: GET /collection?q=something&type=report
- All records should return a link as part of the response. This will usually be an 'url' field
- They will also return links for related records.
- Related records will be returned as an object with both ID and URL
- Related records can be submitted with just the ID or ID within the object.
Response Codes
- 200 OK
- 404 Not found
- 400 Bad Request - includes invalid json, or invalid attributes supplied
- 405 Method not supported
- 500 Server error
- 401 Authentication Required
API tests are written in behat.
Each resources url / collection should test at least the following:
- Create a record
- Get all records
- Get a record
- Update a record
- Delete a record
- Search for a record
- Failure conditions
- Get non-existent record
- Create a record with invalid data
- Delete non-existent record
Possible extra tests
- Test a record update which removing an attribute (if applicable)
- Different formats (ie. geojson for posts)