Ushahidi uses Git for version control, and collaborates using GitHub. This page is intended as a quick start for working with Ushahidi projects. However, if you're completely new to Git you may want to browse the Pro Git ebook and GitHub's help section-- both of which are excellent resources for learning how Git works.
This page assumes you have Git installed and configured, and have a GitHub account.
Strings highlighted in orange require modification on your part, and often identify places to insert your username, the name of the repo you're working with, and so on.
Strings highlighted in [green] are optional, and can be left off if you prefer. They just allow you to personalize your experience a bit more.
Setting Up a Workflow
You should begin by forking the Ushahidi project repository of your choice to your personal account. Register or sign in to GitHub, go to the project page that interests you (for example, Ushahidi_Web) and click the "Fork" button in the header. This will create a copy of the project for you to work with.
Next, open your command line interface and create a parent directory to hold your Git projects. For example:
cd ~
mkdir github
cd github
Next, clone your newly forked repo to your machine:
git clone [-b branch_name] [local_folder_name]
Then we'll want to add an "upstream" remote so we can keep our forked repo in sync with changes that are made to the original/official repo.
git remote add upstream git://
Congratulations, you now have a forked repo and you're ready to begin working!
Keeping In Sync
It's important to keep your forked repo up to date with changes from the "upstream"- that is, the original Ushahidi repository that you forked from. It's quick and easy to do this:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/develop
This will grab the latest changes and merge them into your local repository.
Checking Status
You can see where your local repo is in relation to your GitHub fork by using:
git status
This will give you a list of files that are uncommitted, or have been committed but are waiting to be pushed to your repo on GitHub.
Committing Files
When you've finished working on a new feature, fixing a bug, or otherwise completed a milestone you're ready to commit. This creates a marker in your repository's history, allowing people to see precisely what changes you made up until that point, and ideally your description summarizing those changes.
git add filename
git commit -m 'Description of changes.'
Alternatively you can use git add .
to commit changes to multiple files at once, but please be careful in doing so: it's easy to accidentally commit unintended changes.
Pushing Changes to Your Repo
Ready to push your changes up to your GitHub account? Be sure you've committed all your changes (see above), then:
git push origin develop
Sharing Your Changes with Ushahidi
If you're a member of the Ushahidi organization, it's as simple as:
git push upstream develop
However, most developers won't fall under this category. In that case you'll want to suggest Ushahidi include your changes by creating a pull request. Pull requests allow us to evaluate incoming changes, ensure code quality and security, and gives us an opportunity to work with developers to polish code patches before they're committed to the repo. Ideally code to be pushed upstream should be in its own branch.
To create a pull request, go to your project's page on GitHub and press the 'Pull Request' button in the header. It's fairly straightforward from there, but you can visit the GitHub help page for a walk-through of the process. Pull requests can take a bit to be vetted; please be patient.
TODO: Add instructions for preparing a pull request branch
Advanced Topics
Fetch from Multiple Forks
git remote add herp git://
git remote add derp git://
git fetch --multiple herp derp
“Cherry Pick” Commits to Merge
git remote add example git://
git fetch example
git cherry-pick sha_of_example’s_commit
List Available Forks
git remote
Change Message of Previous Commit
DANGER – Only do this if you haven't pushed your commit to GitHub yet!
git commit --amend -m ‘NEW COMMIT MESSAGE’
Revert a Bad Commit
DANGER – Only do this with your forked or local repo! Doing this with the Ushahidi repo could be a sync nightmare.
git revert sha_of_shameful_commit
List Available Branches
git branch
Create a New Branch
git branch name
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Would be interested to hear more about the branching strategy of Ushahidi_Web (to keep my workflow more in sync) – specifically, Develop vs. Master.
Robbie Mackay
There's a bit more on branching strategy here:
If you have further questions let me know (on the wiki or developer list) and I'll try to add more info to the wiki articles