Table | Description | Relevant areas of the Ushahidi UI/Functionality | Comments |
| Stores user defined actions triggered by certain events e.g, assign a badge when a user submits 3 reports | Admin->Manage->Actions | * |
| Stores a log of actions triggered, user who triggered it and date it was triggered | Admin->Manage->Actions | * |
| Stores alerts subscribers’ information(phone number/email address, and subscription confirmation, location radius of alerts to be sent to them) | Get Alerts | * |
| Stores categories subscribers would like to recieve alerts about | Get Alerts | * |
| Stores a log of alerts sent out to subscribers | * | * |
| Stores a list of all IP addresses banned from accessing a deployment’s API | Admin->Settings->API-> | * |
| Stores a log of all API tasks, parameters and returns carried out, along with the date of access and accessing IP | -Admin->Settings->API-> | * |
| Stores boundaries/limitations set with regards to API access | -Admin->Settings->API-> | * |
| Stores description of badges to be assigned | -Admin->Manage->Badges | * |
| Stores assigned badge information i.e user and corresponding badge assigned to that particular user | -Admin->Manage->Badges(you can assign a badge to a user from this page) | * |
| Holds information about categories defined for a deployment | -Admin->Dashboard | * |
| Holds translations for category titles and descriptions in selected languages | Same as above | * |
| Stores checkin information - for deployments that have checkins enabled | -Homepage | * |
| Stores cities of countries retrieved by user. | -Admin->Settings->Map(the retrieve cities from geonames link populates this table) | * |
| Stores informations used for clustering of reports on the map. | -Homepage (Main map) | * |
| Stores comments made on reports/checkins | -Report details | * |
| Stores a list of all countries in the world and their capital cities | -Admin->Settings->Map( | * |
| Stores information about any external apps that communicate with your deployment, mainly our mobile apps(iPhone and Android) | -Homepage(Links to mobile apps on the How to Report Box on the main page) | * |
| Stores information about RSS Feeds a deployment subscribes to | -Admin->Dashboard | * |
| Stores feed items pulled from each RSS Feed | -Homepage->Official and Mainstream news | * |
| Stores all report submission forms created(default+custom) | -Admin->Manage->Forms | * |
| Stores all custom form fields created by users | -Admin->Manage->Forms | * |
| Stores options related to custom form fields e.g, who can submit answers, toggle field or not etc | -Admin->Manage->Forms->Edit form fields | * |
| Stores responses to custom form fields | -Admin->Reports->Edit Reports | * |
| Stores map geometries i.e polygons, lines etc | -Reports->More information(for an individual report) | * |
| Stores reports submittted | -Homepage(main map) | * |
| Stores stored reports’ categories | -Admin->Reports->View Reports | * |
| Holds translations for report titles and descriptions in selected languages | Same as above | * |
| Holds information provided by people who submit reports with their personal information i.e name, email address, phone number | -Admin->Reports->View Reports | * |
| Holds static layer information | -Admin->Manage->Layers | * |
| Stores level of trust assigned to reporters of the platform | -Admin->Messages->SMS->Reporters | To be affected if reporters table is removed. Was classified as a dormant table in the platform Benchmarking report |
| Stores location information for submitted reports | -Homepage | * |
| Puts a site in maintenance mode if there's any data in this table.IP addresses serve as a whitelist for maintenance mode |
| * |
| Stores any media submitted along with a report/checkin e.g a news link, photo, video | -Reports | * |
| Stores tweets, emails and SMS messages pulled into a deployment | -Admin->Dashboard | * |
| Stores users’ openid information | Admin->Login(With current changes made to login page, no longer existent) | Maybe OpenID should be made into a plugin? -BH |
| Stores user created pages | -Homepage | * |
| Stores permissions used for access control | -Admin->Users->Manage Roles and Permissions |
| Stores permissions assigned to roles | -Admin->Users->Manage Roles and Permissions |
| Holds a list of all plugins installed on a deployment | Admin->Addons->Plugins | * |
| Stores private messages sent between Members | -Members->Dashboard | * |
| Stores credibility ratings assigned to submitted reports | -Admin->Reports->Comments | * |
| Holds information about people who submit reports via email, twitter and SMS | -Admin->Messages->SMS->Reporters | Was classified as a dormant table in the platform Benchmarking report |
| Defines user access levels and privileges on a deployment | -Admin->Users->View Users |
| Stores roles assigned to users registered on a deployment | -Admin->Users->View Users | * |
| Stores schedules for the following tasks:- | Admin->Manage->Scheduler | * |
| Stores a log of scheduler actions | Admin->Manage->Scheduler->Scheduler log | * |
| Stores information about different services via which info is pulled into the platform from i.e SMS, Email, Twitter | -Admin->Dashboard | * |
| Stores session information | * | * |
| Stores a deployment’s general settings e.g Site name, tagline, copyright statement, etc | Well, basically affects everything on the frontend :) | * |
| Stores registered users’ information | Admin->Users->View Users | * |
| Stores mobile IDs for users. Works with checkins. Ties mobile devices to users without logging in so that the ids on the devices make the distinction | Admin->Checkins | Was classified as a dormant table in the platform Benchmarking report. Might just be removed once RiverID is fully integrated into mobile apps |
| Stores browser tokens assigned to users | * | * |
| Stores all verified reports | -Reports | * |