The table below describes the status messages returned by the API
Code | Text | Description/Meaning |
0 | No Error | The request was executed successfully |
001 | Missing Parameter | A required parameter has not been supplied |
002 | Invalid Parameter | An incorrect parameter has been supplied |
003 | Form post failed | All the required parameters for a HTTP POST request have not been specified or they are of the wrong data type |
004 | POST method not used | When data is not send via HTTP POST |
005 | Access Denied | The supplied credentials are invalid or the request has been refused |
006 | Access Denied | The request has been understood but has been denied due access limits such as no. of requests |
007 | No data | No records have been found/returned |
010 | Disabled | An API library is disabled or unavailable |
011 | Unknown Error | The cause of the error is not known |
999 | Not Found | When an invalid value is provided to the task parameter |