Use online networking tools, including Twitter, Facebook, Google + and/or a blog that tells the story behind your organization and your campaign as it evolves. Use photos and video if you have the tools and skills. Seek out common friends to your cause who can amplify or follow your updates. You may also use internet and mobile advertising and, for developing countries in Sub Saharan Africa, considering paying for ad time on 'please call me' messages by mobile phone companies.
See some of the Community building examples from: Uchaguzi - Kenyan Elections 2013 (community meetings, Uchaguzi Community Working Groups and Uchaguzi Digital Teams
Seek out partnerships and build relationships in your community and beyond. Word of mouth is free and delivers a dedicated core group of supporters and fans who share a commitment to your cause. Explore overlapping spheres of community and find out how your project is relevant to others, perhaps local artists or musicians.