git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/masterdevelop
This will grab the latest changes and merge them into your local repository.
Ready to push your changes up to your GitHub account? Be sure you've committed all your changes (see above), then:
git push origin masterdevelop
Sharing Your Changes with Ushahidi
If you're a member of the Ushahidi organization, it's as simple as:
git push upstream masterdevelop
However, most developers won't fall under this category. In that case you'll want to suggest Ushahidi include your changes by creating a pull request. Pull requests allow us to evaluate incoming changes, ensure code quality and security, and gives us an opportunity to work with developers to polish code patches before they're committed to the repo. Ideally code to be pushed upstream should be in its own branch.
To create a pull request, go to your project's page on GitHub and press the 'Pull Request' button in the header. It's fairly straightforward from there, but you can visit the GitHub help page for a walk-through of the process. Pull requests can take a bit to be vetted; please be patient.
In most cases, pull requests should be submitted to the 'Develop' branch of Ushahidi_Web.
TODO: Add instructions for preparing a pull request branch