To run all the migrations and upgrade the database use:
./minion --task=migrations:run --upbin/phinx migrate -c application/phinx.php
This command will run all the migrations in the group folders within /application/migrations/*
. The command will also create the migrations table in your database (if it doesn't exist) to keep track of the version of your database.
To run migrations only on a particular group – for example to run migrations on version 3.0 alone run:
./minion --task=migrations:run --up --group=3-0
You can also dry-run the migration by using:
./minion --task=migrations:run --up --dry-run
The SQL that the migration runs is output to the console
To migrate only to a specific timestamp use:
./minion --task=migrations:run --up --to=[timestamp]
Available migration options:
- --down
- --up
- --to=(timestamp|+up_migrations|down_migrations)
- --group=group
- --groups=group[,group2[,group3...]]
- --dry-run
- --quiet