The information in this wiki hasn't been maintained for a good while. Some of the projects described have since been deprecated.

In particular, the "Ushahidi Platform v3.x" section contains information that is often misleading. Many details about this version of Platform have changed since.

This website is an extraction of the original Ushahidi wiki into a static form. Because of that, functions like logging in, commenting or searching will not work.

For more documentation, please refer to

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Plugin Actions


Actions are events (or hooks) to which callback functions can be attached.

In the example below, the event is report_add, and the email_subscribers callback is attached to this particular event. Whenever this event is encountered, all the associated plugins that are attached to this event will be executed.


Code Block
// Email subscribers whenever a new report is created
Event::add('ushahidi_action.report_add', 'email_subscribers');


Wiki Markup

|| Action || Parameter \\ || Description \\ || File \\ ||
| report_delete | $incident_id \\ | Report deleted \\ | application/controllers/admin/reports.php \\ |
| report_meta | $incident_id | Add items to the Report Meta | application/themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_form_admin | $id | Runs just after the report description \\ | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| main_sidebar | | Add Items to the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| main_sidebar_pre_filters | | Add items before the filters on the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| main_sidebar_post_filters | | Add items after the filters on the Entry Page Sidebar | themes/default/views/main/layout.php; themes/polaroid/views/main/layout.php; themes/unicorn/views/main/layout.php |
| map_main_filters | | Add items to the main filters \\ | themes/default/views/main.php; themes/polaroid/views/main.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/main.php; themes/unicorn/views/main.php |
| report_form_admin_after_time | $id \\ | Runs just after the report time | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_form_admin_location | $id | Runs just after the report location | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_form_admin_after_video_link | $id | Runs just after the report video link \\ | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| report_pre_form_admin | $id \\ | Runs right before report form is rendered | application/views/admin/reports_edit.php |
| config_routes | $config | | application/config/routes.php |
| config_upload | $config \\ | | application/config/upload.php |
| category_save | $post | Runs just after a category is saved | application/controllers/admin/manage.php |
| page_submit | $post \\ | | application/controllers/admin/manage.php \\ |
| page_edit | $page \\ | | application/controllers/admin/manage.php |
| report_approve | $update | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_unapprove | $update | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| location_from | $message_from | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_submit_admin | $post | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_edit | $incident | | application/controllers/admin/reports.php |
| report_edit\\ | $incident | Run after a incident is edited or created | application/controllers/members/reports.php |
| site_settings_modified | | | application/controllers/admin/settings.php |
| map_settings_modified | | | application/controllers/admin/settings.php |
| users_add_admin | $post \\ | | application/controllers/admin/users.php |
| user_edit | $user \\ | | application/controllers/admin/users.php |
| user_login | $user \\ | | application/controllers/login.php |
| users_add_login_form | $post | The post object when a user is signing up on the login page | application/controllers/login.php |
| user_edit | $user | The user object when a user is singing up on the login page | application/controllers/login.php |
| report_add | $incident | | application/controllers/reports.php |
| report_submit | $post | | application/controllers/reports.php \\ |
| comment_add | $comment | | application/controllers/reports.php \\ |
| message_email_add | $email | | application/controllers/scheduler/s_email.php |
| message_twitter_add | $message | | application/controllers/scheduler/s_twitter.php |
| nav_admin_main_top | $tabs | | application/helper/admin.php \\ |
| nav_members_main_top | $tabs | an array of tabs that will show up on the main navigation menu | application/helpers/members.php |
| nav_admin_reports | $this_sub_page | | application/helper/admin.php |
| nav_admin_messages | $service_id | | application/helper/admin.php |
| nav_admin_settings | $this_sub_page | | application/helper/admin.php |
| sub_nav_admin_settings_sms | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_admin_manage | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_admin_users | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/admin.php |
| nav_members_reports | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php \\ |
| nav_members_private | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php |
| nav_members_alerts | $this_sub_page | | application/helpers/member.php |
| nav_main_top | $this_page | | application/helpers/nav.php |
| message_sms_add | $sms | SMS Recieved \\ | application/helpers/sms.php \\ |
| post_nav_submit | | Add items after the submit button \\ | application/libraries/Themes.php \\ |
| checkin_recorded \\ | $checkin | Hook on successful checkin | application/libraries/api/MY_Checkin_Api_Object.php |
| report_submit_api | $post \\ | | application/libraries/api/MY_Report_Api_Object.php |
| report_edit_api | $incident \\ | | application/libraries/api/MY_Report_Api_Object.php |
| user_submit_admin | $post \\ | Additional validation checks \\ | application/models/user.php |
| admin_checkins_custom_layout | | | application/views/admin/checkins.php \\ |
| checkin_extra_admin | $checkin_id | | application/views/admin/checkins.php |
| header_scripts_admin | | | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_header_top_left | | Admin Header Menu | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_secondary_header_bar | | Admin Secondary Menu | application/views/admin/layout.php |
| admin_messages_custom_layout | | | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| message_extra_admin | $message_id | Message additional/extra stuff | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| message_from_admin | $message_from | Message additional/extra stuff | application/views/admin/messages.php |
| page_form_admin | | Runs just after the page description | application/views/admin/pages.php |
| report_extra_admin \\ | $incident | Add items to the report list in admin | application/views/admin/reports.php |
| users_listing_header | | Add header item to users listing page | application/views/admin/users.php |
| users_listing_item | $user_id | Add item to users listing page | application/views/admin/users.php |
| users_form_admin | $id | Add content to users form | application/views/admin/users_edit.php |
| feed_atom_head | | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_atom.php |
| feed_atom_item | $item\['id'\] | Add to the feed item | application/views/feed_atom.php |
| feed_rss_head | | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_rss2.php |
| feed_rss_item | $item\['id'\] | Add to the feed head | application/views/feed_rss2.php |
| header_scripts_member | | Additional inline scripts | application/views/members/layout.php |
| report_extra_members \\ | $incident | Add items to the report list in admin | application/views/members/reports.php |
| report_pre_form_messages | $id | Runs right before report form is rendered | application/views/members/reports_edit.php |
| nav_main_bottom | | Add items to the bottom links | themes/bueno/views/footer.php; themes/default/views/footer.php; themes/polaroid/views/footer.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/footer.php; themes/unicorn/views/footer.php |
| main_footer | | Add items before the </body> tag | themes/bueno/views/footer.php; themes/ci_cumulus/views/footer.php; themes/default/views/footer.php; themes/polaroid/views/footer.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/footer.php; themes/unicorn/views/footer.php |
| header_scripts | | Additional inline scripts | themes/bueno/views/header.php; themes/ci_cumulus/views/header.php; themes/default/views/header.php; themes/polaroid/views/header.php; themes/seguridad-v2/views/header.php; themes/unicorn/views/header.php |
| page_extra | $page_id \\ | | themes/default/views/page.php |
| report_filters_ui | | Add custom filters \\ | themes/default/views/reports.php |
| comment_form | | Runs right before the end of the comment submit form | themes/default/views/reports_comments_form.php |
| report_form | | Runs right after the report categories | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_optional | | Runs in the optional information of the report form | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_location | $id | | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_form_after_video_link | | Runs after video link on front end \\ | themes/default/views/reports_submit.php |
| report_meta_after_time | $incident_id \\ | | themes/default/views/reports_view.php; themes/polaroid/views/reports_view.php |
| report_meta | $incident_id | Add items to the report meta (Location/Date/Time etc.) | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_display_media | $incident_id | Add content just above media section | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| report_extra | $incident_id | Allows you to target an individual report right after the description | themes/default/views/reports_view.php |
| login_new_user_form | | Runs when rendering the sign up form on the login page. &nbsp;Use this to add new fields for new users to fill out. | themes/default/views/login/main.php |
| header_nav_bar | | Allows you to insert content into the header nav stripe \\ | application/views/header_nav.php \\ |
| profile_add_admin \\ | $post | When a user modifies their profile this action will notify any&nbsp;relevant&nbsp;plugins and provide the HTTP POST object | application/controllers/admin/profile.php |
| profile_edit \\ | $user | When a user modifies their profile this action will notify any&nbsp;relevant&nbsp;plugins and provide the ORM user object \\ | application/controllers/admin/profile.php \\ |
| profile_post_member | $post | Returns the post object when members update their profile | application/controllers/members/profile.php |
| profile_edit_member | $user | Returns the user object when members update their profile | application/controllers/members/profile.php |