The following is an index of currently used categories for Anti-Corruption and Transparency Maps. The goal of this research is to provide some recommended categories:
Corruption Map project analysis:
- maps reviewed 28
- total reports 6780
- number of total categories across all the maps 463
- Country with the most maps: India (3)
- projects that are using categories for locations (instead of layers): 4 – Colombia, Brasil, Albania, Kosovo
- Map with the most reports: Zabatak (Egypt), followed by Kallxo (Kosovo) and One De Olho Nas Emendas (Brasil)
Note: Some maps have a number of civil society mandates beyond corruption. There are also election monitoring maps that include "corruption" as a category. These have not been included in this analysis.
The document includes: Map name, website link, country, number of reports, and category names.