Similarly to the Wordpress blogging platform, Ushahidi comes with a complete administration section to manage the general platform settings and process user-contributed reports. Now that your Ushahidi instance is installed and ready to go, let’s start by looking into how this works and the available functionality.
- Navigate to http://your_server_ip and start setup (the one you associated with the server).
- The default password is U: admin P: admin
Admin login URL - http://your URL/admin/
Website - http://your URL/
Upload report data - http:// your URL /admin/reports/edit
Configure your map - http:// your URL /admin/settings
Setup your SMS server - http:// your URL /admin/settings/sms
- To allow password authentication edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
♣ Nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and change the following line
- PasswordAuthentication no to PasswordAuthentication yes
- save /etc/ssh/sshd_config using control+X
- Restart SSH server
♣ /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Step 8: Installing Plugins:
- Login to server via WinCSP or other SCP client. Login using the following info:
- IP: server IP: The elastinc IP of the deployment.
- User: ushahidi or your root user.
- Password: in our case - Tufts2012
- Port: 22
Once you are in you need to navigate to directory /home/ushahidi/public_html/ushahidi-web/plugins
- Open /home/ushahidi/public_html/ushahidi-web/plugins
To install plugin, download it to your computer, unpack it and upload it into /home/ushahidi/public_html/ushahidi-web/plugins directory
- upload plugins into plugins directory
- once plugins are uploaded you can activate them from Addons tab
To activate plugins visit http:// your URL /admin/addons/plugins/
Hide/Show CommentsHeather Leson
Thanks so much for sharing!
Robbie Mackay
Not sure this page should really live here? is it really related to EC2/amazon?