Here's how drops will look like in the following views:-
View a drop
Click on the drop title as shown below
You should a pop up similar to this one show up on your screen
Comment on a drop
Add your comments in the highlighted section, and click on publish.
Mark a drop as read
The number of unread drops in your river is normally indicated on the right hand corner. Clicking and viewing a drop will automatically mark it as read.
To mark a drop as read (without having to view it), hover your mouse over the drop, and click on the tick icon.
Your "unread" drop count should decrease, and your "read" drop count should increase on the right hand menu bar.
Score a drop
Click on the star icon that appears over your drop.
Share a drop
{More to be added}
Delete a drop
To delete a drop from your river, hover over a drop, and click on the "X" sign