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Welcome to the Uchaguzi Analysis and Research Team!

This team is in charge of analysing information(sense making) received in the platform, and providing situation room reports in the form of data visualisation, pdfs etc.

The Analysis and Research Team will:

  • Provide Uchaguzi team with twice daily reports - type of reports to be determined at Community working group sessions. 
  • Review online datasets and provide data vis infographics and sensemaking.
  • They will work with the communications folks to publish blog posts and situation reports in near real-time.

Analysis and Research Checklist

Flex your brain cells. Use the power the internet and any free tools to make sense of the data.

As the Analysis and Research team, you will be given access to download and analyze reports.

  1. Please be sure to follow our Uchaguzi Privacy and Security Guidelines for all data handling.
  2. See the Uchaguzi Participant Checklist & Guide for collaboration processes.
  3. Review the Uchaguzi Analysis Step by Step docs for tips on the Uchaguzi platform.
  4. Identify any critical or urgent items.
  5. Identify patterns or gaps of information.
  6. Prepare analysis by types of reports and locations.

Learn More:

Uchaguzi Analysis and Research Overview

Uchaguzi Analysis Step by Step

  1. Notes from Feb 21st meet up 
    Create your uchaguzi accountShare gmail addresses and Skype account names
    Mid-term Reports: Numbers per category
    Final Reports Comment on each category you are responsible for monitoring: 
    word template
    Introduction, catergories, conclusions and additional sources put the report number you stopped at
    On your google docs attach the downloaded report you are referencing
    Create a shared google drive file with matching nomenclature for working on live
    Say the times that you are available for shifts (4 - 6hrs) Create a timetable
    March 4th, 5th and 6th starting 10am reports every two hours
    Create a shared google calendar for mapping time