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Ushahidi Weekly Update (#15)

We are a growing community. This weekly report is for the whole community and team to share what you are working on and what you need help with. Highlight your presentations, events, code and more. These reports will go out mid-week.
Date: July 18 - 23, 2012 

Community and Deployers:

About: What are you working on? What do you need help with?

Deployment of the Week:  The AzteCast team has added their mobile IOS to Itunes. They are just getting started with their AzteCast project, but we see the unique potential as they plan for the upcoming university year.

See all the Deployments of the Week

Reminder: The next Community Developer call will be Monday, July 30/ Tuesday July 31st. See the Developer Community Meetings page for more details on exact times and how to join.


About: What code are your working on? What needs help?

SwiftRiver Beta testing is continuing. Need a SwiftRiver beta account? Want to give input?


About: Events, presentations and hosting by Ushahidi Core, Community. Share your presentations, your videos etc.

David Kobia presented at OSCON about our lessons learned.

Here is his slideshare: