Ushahidi Community at ICT4D (March 14, 2012, Atlanta, GA)
Engy: Give us a Wordpress or Drupal or joomla plugin
Linda: El Salvador - offering Spanish tech support from the el Salvador team. Very frustrating to only get tech in English
- Embedding a map in a blog post is great
- But others want. A more functional website integrate all the pieces around
- Search is not useful
- Better aggregation by type and location
Data layers on topics and complimentary topics
Show and tell examples:
How to handle Mapless areas:
- Lack of detailed maps in any country -no streets
- Need matchmaking with osm -need help in some areas
- What are shareable with esri?
- Train the trainers-have osm do their stuff and connected to global community
- They work with 400 communities in el Salvador
- Start with 3-4 communities. People are cross trained
- Anahi- youth engagement
- *A Map of places that need to be mapped* -the ask
- maybe owned by communities and youth
- Mozambique and osm was hard because youth did not have conceptualization or knowledge on how to do computer work. What is a map?
- osm is hard to use; need an interface to help change the map
- kids have trouble using a computer
- amateurization of mapping, needs to evolve like video
- Harassmap requests to do
- bangaladesh, brazil, India. Turkey, yemen and Palestinian
- created google group to connect
- decided to not use just one map, mentor others
- mentor and grass
- created FAQ for anyone
- great outreach
- open discussion in the streets take it off line
- youth took ownership of their streets
- Ushahidi needs an Incident manager system
- Annotate or content managements to close feedback loop
- orgs could take an incident and be able to tack it to their own IMs
- like salesforce for contacts
- workflow mgmt
- allow partner orgs to see the status of incidents
- Domestic violence: curator can attribute follow up actions can go to other dept
- might be open 311 code reversed
- verify auth and push to workflow
- remove verified, approved and not verified
- allow the user to decide the terms
- how about received instead
- mentioned option to change report or incident
- access requested to Heather Ford 's research
- Linda: 8 hours to try to explain verify and approved reports
- Github Issues is not useful for feedback for most of the community
- Want a like button of importance of issues that reflects the needs
- Never get any feedback on my feedback
- Never hear why it is not prioritizing and no transparency into it
- See the internal Ushahidi to see what users want and ratings
- Use feedback plus comments but can't change it
- Rate it and wish explanations of the status
- Worked on by a volunteer
- Hear what others thought about it
- And understand why not actioned
- Curated
- Essence and posted with annotations
- Submit or new issue or bundled with
- So it doesn't become unruly
- More community support from other organizations
- Not clear how to get things done
- Forums are not visual, not always responsive
- We are not communicating the refer workflow
- Not sharing the cycle
- So I email 8 people
- Streamline it
John e.
- Update docs to make it clear. Some companies provide highly secure software. Make it clear the scope of the security and set expectations better.
- State that there may be bugs because we are open source
- Cite Limitations working to improve
- Created Feedback project page
- Potential community project with OSM to connect needed mapped areas with deployers.
- Advise core team of feature requests
1 Comment
Hide/Show CommentsHeather Leson
1. I think that is a great option. I talked with the developers. Stay tuned for more on this.
2. I spoke with a member of the HOT OSM board on connecting mappers in mapless areas. We have started the groundwork on how to proceed.
3. Feature - Drupal or Word Press. One of our community members posted this Issue request (