Background Resources
Media Monitoring is a full time industry. Uchaguzi's Media Monitoring tool are the Internet Eyes and Ears. Here are some great resources to get you thinking about this field:
Andy Carvin : 'Distant Witness': Social Media's 'Journalism Revolution'
Media Monitoring Checklist.
The Media Monitoring team will work very closely with the Uchaguzi Geolocation Team, Uchaguzi Translation Team, Uchaguzi Verification Team and Uchaguzi Reports Team. Your task is to find solid information. The Verification and Reports teams will do the next set of checks. So, it is good to know what they are looking for.
Start with:
Types of Reports we will collect:
- Citizen voices from various social media sources
- Seek Unique reports from Social Media Ambassadors and those sources found on our Media Monitoring Search Guide.
Types of Reports we will not collect:
- Mainstream media (The BBC and CapitalFM are there own aggregators. We will, however, use this for corroborating reports and verification.)
- RTs, HTs, and MTs from Twitter. We will not be recycling reports. Look for the root source of the Tweet or post.
Your Media Monitoring Search Guide
We will be providing you with a checklist of items to search and methods for your team soon. Our team has curated some of the top things that you should search.
Examples of Twitter Hashtags we will be monitoring:
Examples of Twitter folks we will be monitoring:!/DKhaemba|!/DKhaemba!/WillisRaburu|!/WillisRaburu
Full list to be provided soon
Tips, Tricks and Tools
Some of the tools that you might use include: