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Welcome to the Uchaguzi Reports team.

This team is in charge of report approval and editing. No other team, except this one, will approve reports. They will determine which reports are fit to appear publicly on the map (by approving). They will also be in charge of ensuring reports previously created by Uchaguzi SMS Team and Uchaguzi Media Monitoring Team.

The Reports Team evaluates and approves reports inside the Ushahidi platform in order for them to appear "live" on the crisismap. This team will have access to the back end of the platform and acts as the first quality control step in the workflow process by evaluating all information submitted in the report form, and by working closely with the Media Monitoring, Geo-Location and Translation Teams.

Why the Reports team matters:

You are the last set of eyes before a report goes LIVE on the map. This team approves reports if it meets your Uchaguzi Reports Team Step by Step guidelines. However, you will not VERIFY reports as this is the task of the Uchaguzi Verification Team.

Reports Team Checklist

The Reports team will:

Learn More:

Uchaguzi Reports Overview

Uchaguzi Reports Team Step by Step